
Become a PRO customer and you will get:

- Initial Discount Coupon of 15% on your first order as a subscriber.
- 3% fixed discount on all items in addition to any other active promo.
- Free Shipping for one year.
- Dedicated Special Offers.

Durata: 1 Year



Become a PRO PLUS customer and you will get:

- Initial Discount Coupon of 15% on your first order as a subscriber.
- 5% fixed discount on all items in addition to any other active promo.
- Free Shipping for one year.
- Dedicated Special Offers

Durata: 1 Year



Become a PRO ULTRA customer and you will get:

- Initial Discount Coupon of 15% on your first order as a subscriber.
- 10% fixed discount on all items in addition to any other active promo.
- Free Shipping for one year.
- Dedicated Special Offers.

Durata: 1 Year

FAQs | PRO customer

To use a discount code you have, enter it in the "Promo Code" field on the cart page, or even during the next phase of closing the purchase (Checkout).

* Attention * Discount coupons can never be combined with each other! Use the cheapest you have.

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It's easy to find out which discount coupons are active and usable on your account! Just log in to your Account > Your Voucher.

You will see them not only your accumulated personal coupons, but also any discount coupons offered by the marketing team for which your account meets the characteristics and can use them.

You will also see expiration dates, any accumulation of the coupon and usage limits.

All grouped on a single page, to better study your strategy for using coupons.

Added to your Reward Balance page, where you have accumulated the money ready to be scaled on orders, guarantees you the complete overview of all the advantages you have for your next purchase on!

If it's not the answer you were looking for, read the other FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Read also the other FAQs on Discount Coupons

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Add advantages to your shopping experience on! Sign up for a PRO account, by logging in or creating an account. Go to the PRO Customer page and purchase a subscription. Close your cart and pay for your subscription.

You will find your discount coupon directly in your account in the Discount Coupons section and the on-screen prices reduced by your discount percentage. Shipping will be free for one year, choose the FREE PRO courier at checkout!

If it's not the answer you were looking for, read the other FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Read also the other FAQs on PRO Customer Subscriptions

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Your subscription is valid for one year from the date of purchase. In this period of time the shipping for your account will always be free and the prices further reduced by your discount percentage based on the purchased subscription.

If it's not the answer you were looking for, read the other FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Read also the other FAQs on Discount Coupons

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No, the subscription is not subject to automatic renewal and chargeback. When the plan is expiring, you will receive an email with the renewal suggestion, which must be done manually by repurchasing the plan from your account.

In general, no service offered on the Capitanstock platform involves automatic debits on accounts or cards used as they are not in line with business ethics.

If it's not the answer you were looking for, read the other FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Read also the other FAQs on PRO Customer Subscriptions.

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Once you have purchased your PRO Subscription and received "Order Processed" notification, your account will immediately be a PRO account.

The free shipping guaranteed by the plan will be available by bringing the cart to checkout and selecting the new free and highly efficient "PRO Customer" courier.

Before the checkout phase, you may still see shipping costs calculated, but don't worry, select the new PRO courier at checkout to cancel them.

If it is not the answer you are looking for, discover the other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Or read other frequently asked questions (FAQS) about the PRO customer.

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