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  • Pokémon: World Championships 2023 Coming to Japan
    Pokémon: World Championships 2023 Coming to Japan
    430 Views Liked

    A few days ago, The Pokémon Company announced the official dates for the 2023 World Championships. After London, the Pokémon world competitions will take place in Japan (Yokohama) from August 11 to 13. But exactly... What is the Pokémon World Championships? How do they take place? Today, for you, we will delve into the world of this important competition.

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  • Revolution Beauty's Innovation
    Revolution Beauty's Innovation
    422 Views Liked

    In the ever-evolving world of beauty and makeup, Revolution Beauty has established itself as a revolutionary force. Founded with the goal of making the beauty industry accessible to all, the company quickly gained popularity thanks to its combination of high-quality products, affordable prices and an inclusive mentality. In this article, we will explore Revolution Beauty's innovation and its impact on the makeup industry.

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  • Radio Italy Concert 2023
    Radio Italy Concert 2023
    415 Views Liked

    Feel free to start the countdown, because the traditional Radio Italia Live Concert is only a few days away!

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  • The Essential Guide for Safe and Convenient Shopping
    The Essential Guide for Safe and Convenient Shopping
    398 Views Liked

    The advent of the internet has revolutionized the way we shop. And this is something more than known by now. Today, thanks to the convenience of online shopping, we can find a wide variety of products and services with just a few clicks. And this is also a fact. By now the almost instinctive action of pressing the buy now button seems to be cleared through customs. At least 4 out of 5 people have made a purchase on the internet. As long as we talk about the most popular e-commerce, no...

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  • The Secrets for a Top Summer: Beauty and Style for Women
    The Secrets for a Top Summer: Beauty and Style for Women
    360 Views Liked

    Song aside and weather permitting, the first heat and the first real sunny days begin. Many of us are already beginning to imagine crowded beaches, the breeze from the sea, a lighter atmosphere and time to devote ourselves to leisure. Accompanied by the sun, let's start the week off right with some advice on how to face the summer season. Ladies, take a pen and paper because I am addressing you above all. In this article, we're going to explore the must-have beauty secrets for a woman this...

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  • Review: Nel Mare ci sono i Coccodrilli - Fabio Geda
    Review: Nel Mare ci sono i Coccodrilli - Fabio Geda
    283 Views Liked

    A book based on a true story. A book that opens a way of harsh reality. In the case of Crocodiles in the Sea there is no fantasy, fiction or invention on the part of its writer. Just the story of a child who, forced to flee the war in Afghanistan, finds himself fighting for his life and his future.

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  • 10 Ottimi Motivi per Acquistare su
    10 Ottimi Motivi per Acquistare su
    249 Views Liked

    Capitanstock... un altro sito e-commerce. Oh, ma oggi crescono come funghi sti siti web, e ti promettono tutti la stessa cosa! Risparmio, miglior prezzo, serietà, ma anche questo sarà la solita monotonia. Lo so, è questo che stai pensando, caro lettore. Siti che ti promettono anche la luna, il cielo e tutte le sue stelle, ma che alla fine non hanno niente di così diverso dagli altri. Bene, noi oggi ti daremo 10 Ottimi Motivi per Acquistare su e non i soliti motivi!

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Showing 13 to 19 of 19 (2 Pages)