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Find out in this section all the Frequently Asked Questions related to our Sponsorship program.

Briefly? Recommend the site to friends and earn when they register an account or place the first order! You can invite as many friends as you like and the rewards, which accumulate in your account, you can scale them on your next orders!

Also below, you can find all the most frequently asked questions and further details!

Find out the frequently asked questions about our other 2 reward systems;

  • Loyalty program
  • Affiliate Program

Or find the answer to your other questions in our FAQs section

Refer a friend and earn when he registers an account (€ 1) and when he concludes his first order (€ 3) !. Both rewards are released into your account after your friend's first purchase!

You can invite as many friends as you want! Your rewards stack with those accumulated from other Capitanstock rewards accumulation programs in the Reward Balance in your Account and you can use them to pay for your orders!

Read the other FAQs on the Sponsorship Program.

Discover also the Loyalty and Affiliate Programs.

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You can invite as many friends as you want! For each friend you accumulate rewards, without any limits!

You can invite them via the pop-up that will appear or from the appropriate section of your Account> "Sponsorship Program".

You will be notified when a friend earns you rewards.

Log into your "My Rewards" section from time to time to keep an eye on your balance.

Read the other FAQs on the Sponsorship Program.

Discover also the Loyalty and Affiliate Programs.

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Participate immediately, all you need is an account!

Use the pop-up that will appear to invite friends or go directly to your section Account Referral Program

From there you can invite friends and more, you can track the purchases they have made and the rewards they have earned you!

Read the other FAQs on the Sponsorship Program.

Discover also the Loyalty and Affiliate Programs.

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No! Your friends do not see in writing anywhere that you will accumulate rewards for their registration / order! Indeed, they too will have an advantage and will be greeted by a pop-up that will guarantee them an immediate 15% discount on their first order!

Read the other FAQs on the Sponsorship Program.

Discover also the Loyalty and Affiliate Programs.

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SI! Verranno accolti da un pop-up di benvenuto che gli garantirà un fantastico buono sconto del 15%, valido per il loro primo ordine!

Read the other FAQs on the Sponsorship Program.

Discover also the Loyalty and Affiliate Programs.

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Your reward is always valid in your account! It accumulates automatically based on your purchase activity (it accumulates with that of the other plans) and you are always offered to scale it at checkout!

Always remember to Login when purchasing or paying for an order!

Read the other FAQs on the Loyalty program.

Discover also the Sponsorship and Affiliate Programs.

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You can deduct your reward on any amount, directly at checkout! Shipping costs only are non-deductible and do not accrue reward when paid.

Use the link at the end of the purchase or go directly to your Account > My Rewards click "Convert to Voucher" and indicate the amount you want to convert.

The voucher is shown immediately at checkout among those available and by clicking it it automatically applies to your cart!

Read the other FAQs on the Loyalty program.

Discover also the Sponsorship and Affiliate Programs.

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No, accrued rewards are non-transferable. The rewards and prizes are all saved in your account!

Always remember to Log-in before concluding your purchase, to continue accumulating and to decide to take advantage of those already accumulated on an order!

Read the other FAQs on the Loyalty program.

Discover also the Sponsorship and Affiliate Programs.

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Your reward is always saved in your account! During the purchase phase, if you decide to reduce part or all of your available reward, simply click on the link proposed on the cart page.

A banner will say "You have a reward balance of xx.xx, click to convert it to a voucher"

You will be directly connected to the section of your Account "My Rewards" where you will see your balance and by clicking on "Convert" you can decide how much to convert into a discount.

The discount coupon is applied independently to your order after confirmation. Go back to checkout and pay for your order!

Read the other FAQs on the Loyalty program.

Discover also the Sponsorship and Affiliate Programs.

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